Sunday, February 7, 2010

livejournal is better...

I've discovered that Live Journal is soooo much better than blogger. So, here's a link to my LJ page. : ) Episode Reviews, Icons, Fanfics and other great stuff. Yay!

Click here go to my LJ page!

Much Love,

Callie <3

Saturday, January 23, 2010

6x12 Review : "Take Off my Gauze Paws"

Alright, so this week's episode of Grey's Anatomy did not disappoint!

It begins with the amazing Dr. Bailey in the OR performing a breakthrough procedure on a patient with a large audience in the gallery, Callie and Arizona included. A few minutes into the procedure, Callie says that she has a headache and needs coffee. Arizona, the little minx, leans forward from her seat behind Callie and, in an extremely sexy voice, propositions Callie, receiving an annoyed/amused look from Cristina.

Callie: Okay, she saw me. Now I can go.
Cristina: She's just getting started.
Callie: Yeah, I have a headache. I need coffee.
Arizona: (leans down to whisper in Callie's ear) I have a cure for a headache that doesn't involve coffee.

Whoa! Where the heck has this Arizona been?! Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I rather like the take-charge Arizona we've seen in the last two episodes. (flash back to "Blink" where Arizona had Callie pinned to the shower wall...)

Okay, back the this episode...

We next see Callie and Arizona in an on-call room... and they aren't playing scrabble! Once again, we see Arizona's ridiculously sexy dominating side come to life as she pushes Callie against the wall and kisses her senseless, complete with ass-grabbing! : )

(Be still, my heart...)

But in the middle of their massively hot make-out session, Arizona make a discovery that thwarts their sexy plans...
Arizona: You're hot.
Callie: You're hot, too. (continues kissing Arizona)
Arizona: (feels Callie's forehead) No, you're hot.
Callie: Oh, okay, thanks. (continues kissing Arizona)
Arizona: (pulls back) No, no, no. You have a fever. You-You have-You have a fever. What is that? (moves Callie's scrub top aside)
Callie: What?
Arizona: Oh, my God.
Callie: What?
Arizona: Pox! Pox! You have Chicken Pox!

And that's the end of the make out session... Le sigh...
But I love Callie's facial expression when she realizes that Arizona is right...

So, poor Callie has the Chicken Pox. : ( She's admitted to the hospital, which I guess is for safety precaution? Anyway, we learn that Arizona has never had them and thus, must stay away (awe...).

Callie: (as Arizona and Lexie enter Callie's room) Wha-? Oh, Little Grey? That's the world class specialist you wanted me to see?
Arizona: Okay, Little Grey has had the Chicken Pox vaccine. (to Lexie) I snooped through your personnel file. (to Callie) I, on the other hand, have not. Nor did I ever have them as a child.
Callie: You're a pediatrician, how have you never had the-
Arizona: No, I am a pediatric surgeon. I don't do little diseases on little people, I do big surgeries on... little people.
Callie: Oh, you know what? This is ridiculous. (gets up and starts to leave the room) I'm going home.
Arizona: No, no, no! (backs away) Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! You're not going anywhere. You're highly contagious right now. You leave this room and you're going to touch doorknobs and elevator buttons and then you'll be the... outbreak monkey.
Callie: (scratching behind her neck) I'm...going to kill you.
Arizona: I love you. Stop scratching 'cause you're just going to make it worse and then you're going to scar.

Poor Callie. Having the Chicken Pox as a child is bad enough... Having them as an adult is torture! (I know this for a fact... I didn't get the pox until I was 19 and it was pure torture...) And you know what they say about doctors... they make the worst patients... And I also feel bad for Lexie. She has to try and distracted a cranky, itchy, "I'm going insane" Callie.
Lexie: (enters Callie's room) Arizona thought work might take your mind off the itching.
Callie: Scratching will take my mind off the itching... Take off my gauze paws.
Lexie: She said that you'd say that and that I should say no. So, how about we start with the tibial plateau fracture, room 2240?
Callie: Hey. Hey! I'm an attending, you're a resident. As your superior I am ordering you to take them off!

Ah, Lexie, don't you know better than to get between a woman and her pox rash?

Callie finally gets some sleep and the first thing she sees when she opens her eyes... MARK! That's right, bad boy Mark is back and he helps Callie relieve some of the itching by rubbing her down. (Okay, this part I wasn't thrilled about. It was too... sexy? But I was appeased by later scenes, so I'll let it slide this time...)

Good 'ole Mark coming to the rescue. He's still rubbing her down when Arizona comes to check on her. (don don DON!) But Lexie is there too and they have a conversation outside the room where Arizona reveals a secret...

Arizona: (walks up behind Lexie and sighs) That should be me.
Lexie: Don't be jealous. They're just friends. Best friends.
Arizona: I had the Chicken Pox. I told her I hadn't because... I... I find her miraculous. Breathtakingly stunning. I just... I can't stop looking at her. And I was afraid that with the ooze and the fever and the scratching that... I wanted to stay in the sexy part of things, so I lied to my girlfriend. And now... He makes scratching look sexy.
Lexie: He makes everything look sexy.

We see a new side of Arizona... I didn't even think she was capable of lying. But I get it. I don't necessarily agree, but I get it. But no one can be perfect all the time. But she makes up for it later when she decides that Callie's comfort is more important than her own by snuggling up to Callie in her hospital bed.
Arizona: (walks into Callie's room and kisses her cheek)
Callie: What are you doing? You'll get the Chicken Pox.
Arizona: (climbs onto the bed behind Callie) So, I get the Chicken Pox.

Although I wish that Arizona had come completely clean with Callie, I'm glad that she finally went to cuddle with Callie and comfort her.


-Of course I'm going to say the girl-on-girl action between Callie and Arizona. And the super cute cuddling in the end. Who wouldn't? : ) Thank you Shonda/Grey's Writers/ABC! It's MUCH appreciated!!!

-Alex telling Izzie to leave. Enough said.

-POST-IT! : )

-Lexie and Arizona's heart-to-heart (even though Lexie didn't say much... lol)


-The Owen/Cristina/Teddy triangle... It's already getting old... and Cristina's "I choose my gift [of surgery] over Owen" speech

-Derek's "Ill hire Izzie back if you let me tell on the chief" spiel.

-Mark's treatment of Lexie. You slept with someone else, too, Mark!


-"I have a cure for a headache that doesn't involve coffee." (Arizona)

-"McDreamy is being a McAss!" (Meredith)

-"...and then you'll be the Outbreak Monkey!" (Arizona)

-"Take off my gauze paws." (Callie)

-"I have pox between my butt cheeks." (Callie)

-"He makes everything look sexy." (Lexie)

Well, that's it for now, Calzona fans! Unfortunately, we have to wait until Feb. 4 for a new episode... but I've heard it's supposed to be a good one! ::crosses fingers::

Much Love,
Callie Lawrance

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Who am I? I'm Callie Lawrance and I'm AWESOME because I'm so much like Callie Torres! : )

Okay, so I got a few questions from followers about me... more specifically, my name and seemingly life-parallels to Callie Torres' life...

Yes, my name is really Callie, short for Calista. But I hate "Calista" and go by Callie. See, this is why I think I love Callie Torres so freaking much... it's crazy-ridiculous how much my life parallels hers! (Yes, I realize that Callie Torres is a fictional character, but the similarities are still mind-blowing...) Here are ten examples:

001. The name.

My birth-name is Calista, but I've gone by "Callie" since grade school. Callie Torres' birth-name is Calliope, but she also goes by "Callie." We both hate when people call us by our birth-names, except when our parents or significant others do it. (Although, the only reason my gf calls me "Calista" is because Arizona calles Callie Torres "Calliope." Yes, we're both kind of insane... and addicted to Grey's Anatomy. lol)

002. I'm Pre-Med

I am a Junior at the University of Georgia and I'm pre-med. And before you ask, no, I did not choose Pre-med because of Callie Torres... I've always wanted to go into medicine. Although, I'm also a mathematics major and am leaning more towards going into a math-related field...

003. If I do go into medicine, it'll probably be orthopedics.

Alright, so I can't say that this has nothing to do with the awesomeness that is Callie Torres. While I've always been interested in medicine, I never really had a specialty in mind... That is, until I started watching GA and fell in love with Callie Torres. After researching (A LOT) about ortho, I've decided that if I do go into medicine, I want to do ortho. It's so hardcore, like me. : )

Which brings me to number 4...

004. I am hardcore. Seriously. Oh, and a bit of a badass. : D

I have friends to attest to this fact.

005. I'm a lesbian. ;-)

I realize that Callie Torres hasn't officially dubbed herself as a lesbian, but whatever. Close enough.

006. My girlfriend's name is Dakota.

Dakota... Arizona... U.S. States... Blown away yet? Dakota and I have been together now for four years... and she's blonde... and she's perky (most of the time, that is).

007. My ex-girlfriend's name is "Erika"

She wasn't my first, though, and we're still pretty good friends... And she was the one that freaked out, but still... pretty freaky, huh?

008. I'm a Latina!

Okay, so I'm 1/4 Spanish (i.e. from Spain), 1/2 Irish and 1/4 Welsh, but I have Latin blood in me! I can't speak Spanish fluently, though (dammit!).

009. My bffl's name is "Maddison"

Which is basically "Addison" with an "M" in front of it.

010. I used to live in Miami, FL

Callie Torres was raised in Miami, FL. I was born in Hiram, GA, but moved to Miami when I was 4 and lived there for seven years before moving back to GA, where I currently live.

See? Isn't that
INSANE?! It would be insane even without the whole name thing... I think Shonda stole my life. lol. Just kidding!! (LOVE YOU, SHONDA!)

I don't really look like Callie Torres/Sara Ramirez, though (dammit!), so that's something to distinguish us, I guess... Of course, if I did look like Callie Torres/Sara Ramirez, I'd never be able to stop looking at myself in the mirror. LOL!

::thinks about Callie Torres' gorgeousness and drools a bit before getting back to business::

So, I do believe the reason I'm so addicted to Grey's Anatomy/Callie Torres/Calzona is by the parallels between Callie Torres and myself. When I first began watching last fall, I was in shock at this awesome character that was so much like me. I mean, seriously?! How freaking cool is that?! : )

Much Love,

Callie L. <3

Saturday, January 16, 2010

A few links for you...

First of all, y'all should check out my first ever fanfic at! It's a Callie/Arizona pairing (duh) and I think it's pretty good... for a first fanfic, that is. Check it out here and let me know what y'all think! : )

Also, I was going through some articles on and came across a few really interesting ones about Callie/Arizona! Enjoy!

Why Arizona Got the Girl

Sara Ramirez interview

Jessica Capshaw interview about Calzona

Sara Ramirez talks Calzona

And my personal favorite... SARA RAMIREZ MADE
The 2009 Hot 100 at #8 for the second year in a row! That's ahead of Angelina Jolie (#9)! Yeah, I'd choose Sara over Angelina any day. : ) Congrats Sara, you hottie! ;-)

Last, but not least, here's a youtube music video I came across today that is quite nicely done! Click here to view!

Alright, that's it for now. Thanks for reading!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Season 6, Episode 11 *Knock much?*

Alright, so I've been waiting for this episode for quite a while! We only got one scene with Callie and Arizona together and it was very short... but the fact that they were locked in a passionate embrace and later only wearing towels totally made up for the lack of Callie/Arizona interaction!

Lexie is now living with Mark and Mark's new-found 18-year-old daughter, Sloan Riley. Sloan is pregnant and monopolizing the bathroom, so Lexie goes over to Callie and Cristina's to use one of their showers. Cristina's shower is being used by Owen, so Lexie tries Callie's. Of course, she doesn't knock and is in for a bit of a surprise...

Told you, totally makes up for lack of Callie/Arizona! : )

The shower-nakedness only lasts for about a second or so, but both Callie and Arizona's expressions are amazing as Lexie retreats after her outburst of "Oh, my God!"

Arizona is like, "oh, crap" but Callie is amused. You can just barely see her smile as Lexie shuts the door. (be still, my heart...)

A few minutes later, we are treated to another mind-blowing image of these two lovely ladies in nothing more than towels as they exit Callie's bedroom.

(Callie and Arizona exit Callie's bedroom)
Callie: (to Lexie) Knock much?
Lexie: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. (walks towards Callie's bathroom)
Callie: Oh, there's... no more hot water...

There aren't any more Callie/Arizona scenes, but I the shower scene more than makes up for that fact... Hope there's more like that one to come!

Callie still has several other scenes without Arizona, though, and she looks gorgeous, as usual. First, Addison is back! : )

I love Callie and Addison's friendship! The conversation between Callie, Addison and Derek about Bailey's love-life is quite amusing...

Like I said, Callie looks gorgeous as usual, but in this particular scene, she looks stunning!

Callie/Sara, I want to hate you because of how freaking gorgeous you are! But, alas, it just makes me adore you so much more... : )

Well, that's it for Season 6, Episode 11... Let's hope we get more Callie/Arizona in the episodes to follow!!!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

So far in Season 6...

The premiere of season 6 is a shocker... George dies and everyone is devastated, Callie included. George's mom asks Callie to decide whether George's organs should be donated and Callie turns to Izzie to help her decide. Izzie says that George would give everything.

Time passes and Callie goes into Chief Webber's office to inquire about her application for attending. Chief Webber states that the job is no longer available and Callie is highly upset and tells Chief Webber off...
Callie: I'm a superstar! A superstar with a scalpel!
: Torres...
Callie: (turns around to face the Chief) No! Don't say my name. Do not. I am too big a star for you to say my name. I build arms out of nothing! And legs like God! And when I win the Harper Avery and every other prize there is, you will rue this day, Chief Webber. (turns and walks away, then turns back) That's right. I said rue!

We then see Callie get on an elevator next to Bailey and break down crying...

Callie is now out of the job and the full effect of what has just happened finally hits her. Mark goes to her apartment to comfort her and Callie breaks down crying again in his arms.
Mark: (knocks on Callie's apartment door) Open up! Open the door, Torres. (knocks again) Open the door. I'll keep knocking and potentially damage my million dollar hands.
: (comes out of the apartment, crying) My ex-husband died He died. He actually got hit by a bus. George got hit by a bus. And now... now I have to get a new job and I'm never gonna see my friends anymore and Arizona keeps bringing me doughnuts...

Callie acquires a job as an attending surgeon at Mercy-West Hospital and Mark moves into the apartment across from her, much to the surprise of Lexie. As Mark and Lexie are moving Mark's things into his apartment, Callie comes out of her apartment and proceeds to ask Mark his opinion on her "first day at Mercy-West" outfit. Then, she changes in the hallway in front of a startled Lexie.
Callie: (comes out of her apartment, holding two dresses) Okay, okay. Which one? It's my first day at Mercy-West and I wanna look nice. You know, serious, talented, hardcore, not someone you can push around. Nice, but hot... like me.
That one.
Callie: Really? I thought this one.
: Mm-mmm. Too hot. Better for a date. That one.
Callie: Okay. (throws the dresses she's holding at Lexie, who looks uncomfortable) Here, take-- (she takes off the dress she's wearing, throws it at Lexie to hold, and changes into the other one while Mark is there) Okay. Less hot?
: Less hot.
: Okay, okay, good. Wish me luck, or not luck since I'm all talented and hardcore.
: You're an attending, Torres. Go kick some ass. (walks back into her apartment)
: So um... did you forget to mention that your hot, hardcore, ex-sex friend lives right across the hall?
: Did I?
: Yeah! Yeah, you did

Ah, but Callie gets a small revenge on the Chief when he's in a minor car accident and has an ankle injury. He's taken to Mercy-West where, you guessed it, Callie is the on-call attending and attends to him.

Meanwhile at Seattle-Grace, Arizona is fighting her own war with the Chief. She needs a very specific, very expensive scan on a teenaged boy, but the Chief denies her request over and over again. Knowing this is what this kid needs, she sends him to Mercy-West and his mother implores Callie to do the scan. Back in Callie's apartment, Arizona is waiting for Callie to get home (she has a key to Callie's apartment? SCORE!). When Callie gets home, she's mad at Arizona for manipulating her, but she did the scan anyway. Unfortunately, the scan didn't show anything and Arizona is upset. Callie helps her to fugure out what's wrong with the kid. Eventually, Arizona discovers that he has a tethered spinal cord and works with Derek to repair it.

Due to the tough financial times, it is announced that Seattle-Grace will be merging with Mercy-West... not a good thing for Callie since Chief Webber will be the head of the new Seattle Grace-Mercy West Hospital.

Arizona is so adorable when she pretty much demands (in a non-threatening way) that Callie go to the Chief and "beg" for her job back.
Arizona: I hate, hate, hate this merger because I hate long distance relationships. I don't believe in them. So, you can't move to Portland.
: Well, when you mentioned it this afternoon you didn't seem to mind. You were like, "move to Portland."
Arizona: I didn't know that I was allowed to mind. I didn't know if we were girlfriends. But, then you said girlfriend. You called me your girlfriend. So, I need to know. Am I your girlfriend?
Callie: (smiling) Yeah.
: Okay. (smiles) Good. So, yeah, no, you're not moving to Portland. No, but what you are gonna do is you're gonna go into the Chief's office and you're gonna beg for-
: I'm not gonna grovel.
: Ah, yes you are. Seriously. You don't wanna mess with me.

(Callie's absolutely gorgeous in this scene when she smiles, don't you think?)

Callie eventually goes to the Chief to ask for her job back, but sees that he's having a rough time of it, so she starts to leave. The Chief, however, stops her and offers her a position as an attending surgeon. : )

Callie's first day back at Seattle Grace-Mercy West is full of drama when Papa Torres returns! And this time, he's brought company: a priest! Callie, in perhaps one of the most dramatic and you-go-girl scenes to date, lets her father know what she thinks of that...
Callie: Jesus is my savior, Daddy, not you! And Jesus would be ashamed of you for judging me. He would be ashamed of me for turning your back on me. He would be ashamed. (walks out crying)

Arizona finds Callie crying and comforts her.
Arizona: (walks into room and sees Callie crying) Didn't go well, huh?
Callie: Well, at least now I can move on with my life, stop entertaining thoughts of actually getting back together with my family.
(sits next to Callie)
Callie: I don't need a father. I don't. Not one who won't accept me. (continues to cry)
(continues to comfort Callie)

Arizona finds Papa Torres in the waiting room and goes over to him. He tries to avoid her, but Arizona rises to the occasion and tells him about her name and coming out to her father. Then she tells him that she loves Callie and that she protects the things that she loves. This is the first time that love is mentioned in Callie and Arizona's relationship.
Arizona: Most people think that I was named for the state, but it's not true. I was named for a battleship-- the "U.S.S. Arizona". My grandfather was serving on the Arizona when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, and he saved 19 men before he drowned. Pretty much everything my father did his whole life was about honoring that sacrifice. I was raised to be a good man in a storm, raised to love my country, love my family and protect the things I love. When my father, Colonel Daniel Robbins of the United States Marine Corps, heard that I was a lesbian, he said he only had one question. I was prepared for "how fast can you get the hell out of my house?" But instead, it was, "Are you still who I raised you to be?" My father believes in country the way that you believe in God. And my father is not a man who bends, but he bent for me because I'm his daughter. I'm a good man in a storm. I love your daughter, and I protect the things I love. Not that I need to. She doesn't need it. She's strong and caring... And honorable. (voice breaks) And she's who you raised her to be. (walks away)

As Callie is leaving the hospital that evening, Papa Torres is waiting for her. Callie doesn't want to fight and tries to avoid him, but he stops her and, in magic TV Land, finally accepts that she's gay. (Only on TV does a parent do a 360 in one day...) But, Callie and her father are finally reunited.

Episode 8 of Season 6 is full of Callie and Arizona. : ) It begins with Callie and Arizona asleep in Callie's bed when a pager goes off. Arizona is startled awake and goes to the dresser, hoping that it's not her pager that's going off. It turns out to be Callie's pager and Arizona sighs in relief, then returns to the bed to gently wake her girlfriend... or not... Instead, Arizona unceremoniously pushes Callie out of the bed, telling her "they're paging you." Callie groans and goes to the dresser just as karma for pushing her girlfriend out of bed kicks in and another pager sounds. Arizona, in her oh-so-adorable way, pulls the pillow over her head and states "I'm sleeping!" Callie chuckles that sexy deep chuckle and brings Arizona her pager.

Later at the hospital, Arizona finds out that the parents of one of her patients, Wallace, is donating 25 million dollars to the hospital. It's also revealed that Wallace and Arizona share a birthday, which is that Friday. At Callie's apartment, Callie, Arizona, Mark, Lexie, Owen and Cristina are discussing the generous donation when Lexie lets it slip that Friday is Arizona's birthday. Callie is surprised and asks Arizona how Little Grey (Lexie) knows that Friday is her birthday and she doesn't. Arizona replies that birthdays are no big deal to her and that she doesn't celebrate them and makes it clear that she doesn't want anything special. Then she quickly leaves for the hospital. Callie is suspicious and asks their friends if she should do something. Lexie, in her typical upbeat manner, suggests a surprise party, which Mark opposes.

Back at the hospital, Wallace is not doing well and needs another surgery, which he is not strong enough for, in Arizona's professional opinion. Wallace's parents insist on the surgery anyway. Wallace makes it through the surgery, but later has complications and dies. Arizona returns to Callie's apartment to what could possibly be the worst-timed surprise party ever. Arizona breaks down in tears and runs out of the apartment. Callie follows her and Arizona tells her that Wallace died and she can't stay.

Arizona returns to the hospital and talks to Wallace's parents, asking if they want to see Wallace. Wallace's father informs the Chief and a representitve from the hospital borad that it's because of Arizona that they will still be donating the 25 million dollars.

Arizona returns to Callie's apartment later that night to find a sleeping Callie on the couch.Arizona: (walks into Callie's apartment and finds Callie asleep on the couch) Callie: (wakes up when Arizona places keys on table) Oh! I'm awake. I'm.. I uh, I'm totally awake. I'm... there's hats and gifts and, uh, donuts and... lingerie. (blows on party horn, but no sound comes out) Really?! (laughs)
I love you.
Callie: (pauses) You do?
(smiles and nods) I do.
I love you, too.

Awe! It's love!! : )

Episode 8 of season 6 has a scene that, every time I watch it, it never fails to make my laugh hysterically. Adele (Chief Webber's wife) comes to the hospital and asks Bailey if she's having an affair with the Chief, while Callie and Mark are standing right there. Callie's reaction is priceless.
Adele: What I want is for you to tell me the truth. Are you having an affair with my husband?
Bailey: (looks astonished) I am not having an affair with your husband!
Adele: I saw the way you handled him just now.
Bailey: Hand- I did not handle him... There was no handling. We work together!
Adele: You spend every waking moment together. You finish each other sentences, you read each others' minds. You're more married to that man than I am.
Callie: Yeah, but that's just because they're husband and work wife.
Bailey: (looks incredously at Callie) Excuse me?
Callie: The Chief's your work husband and you're his work wife. You look out for each other, you take care of each other. There's nothing wrong with it. It's like me and Sloan.
Mark: Excuse me?
Callie: Nobody's talking to you. He's my work husband, but he has a girlfriend and I have a girlfriend, but there's noting going on between us.
Mark: Well, there was at one point.
Callie: You're not helping.

And that pretty much wraps up the Callie story so far in Season 6... Can't wait until 9:00pm EST tonight when Grey's Anatomy returns in a 2-hour crossover event with Private Practice!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Before season 6...

I'm going to try and do a post after every episode recapping what happened, with an emphasis on Callie, and Arizona by extension. Rather than going back and writing something about every episode Callie is in, I'll just give an overview. Sorry it's so long, but Callie is such an interesting character! : )


We are first introduced to Dr. Callie Torres (portrayed by Sara Ramirez) in season 2 (episode 19 "What Have I Done to Deserve This?") when George O'Malley (T.R. Knight) falls down a flight of stairs and dislocates his shoulder in an attempt to get avoid Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) after bad sex. Guess who fixes him up? The ever-so-lovely Dr. Torres!

Eventually, we find out that Callie is living in the basement of the hospital for convenience's sake... and does sexy underwear dances! : )

George and Callie begin a on-again, off-again relationship and eventually elope in Las Vegas. But George had to go a screw things up by cheating on Callie with Izzie. Stevens (Katherine Heigel). Seriously? Izzie over Callie? No freaking way! Give me Callie over Izzie any day! ; ) But Callie gets a small bit of revenge when she confronts Izzie...
Callie: Don't you dare come to me for forgiveness, you traitorous bitch.

George and Callie eventually divorce and Callie befriends Mark Sloan (Eric Dane), who becomes her best friend. We see a new side of Mark when he offers Callie a shoulder to cry on... among other things...
Mark: "If there's anything you need me to do to cheer you up, I'm around. Day or night. Night in particular."

Ah, Mark, I so want to hate you because of your "whoring" ways, but I can't! You're just too charming... Dammit! ;-)

Meanwhile, we are introduced to the new Cardiothoracic Surgeon at Seattle Grace, Dr. Erica Hahn, previously seen in Season 2 as Burke's nemesis. Can I just say, I love Hahn so much more than Burke. Burke just rubbed me the wrong way...

Anyway, back to Callie. After Callie's divorce, she, Erica and Mark strike up a friendship.
Erica: Any chance you people want to get a drink we me?
Mark: Why would we want to do that?
Callie: She's saying she needs a friend.
Mark: Okay, fine. Let's drink.
Erica: You won't hit on me?
I can't promise that.
Erica: If I say please?

Callie: He still can't promise that.

(Pauses) Fine.

So, the friendship ensues with a lot of Callie and Erica messing with Mark and his ways.
Erica: I'm not usually a group person.
Callie: Me neither.

Erica: I think it's because I generally don't like people.

Callie: (laughing) Me neither.
Mark: Morning, ladies.
Erica: Case in point.
(Callie and Erica laugh)
Mark: What's so funny?

I love a good "let's laugh at Mark" joke. : )

So, Callie and Erica are now really good friends. They're even doing Sunrise Yoga (whatever that is) together! Then comes along good ole Addison... And she sees a little more into Callie and Erica's friendship. So, she asks Callie in an absolutely Addison-like way if Callie and Erica are a "couple." Callie's response is divine!

First of all, just look at the knowing look on Addison's face! It's a classic!
Callie: What? Why are you looking at me like that?
Addison: Callie...

Callie: Uh huh...

Addison: Are you speaking the Vagina Monologues now?
Callie: What?!

And Callie's reaction/face? Priceless!
Addison: I'm all for it. Okay, I think it's fantastic. I mean, Erica seems great. I really like her, actually. I do. I mean...Are you?
Callie: You want to know if Erica and I are a... a couple?! Because I defended her to Yang?
Addison: Because you seem like a couple! A really happy couple.
Callie: Um.. that's... that's just. That's-that's insane... that is-is-is what it is.

Callie: I like penis! I'm a huge fan of penis. Ha! Hilarious. You've been living in Los Angeles way too long. Way too long.

That scene was one of the best/funniest scenes in Grey's Anatomy history! I love Caddison. : )

[So now, we are thinking in our heads... hmmm... will Callie and Erica get together?! Because that would be freaking awesome! : ) ]

Well, Callie is freaked out by her seemingly non-hetero relationship with Erica and Addison's comments that she succumbs to Mark and hooks up with him in an attempt to reassure herself that she's straight. But she avoids Erica at the same time, not wanting to face her feelings. Erica calls her out on it and tells it like it is; Callie's avoiding her because she's "gone all poofy when she gets a boyfriend." (Erica) Callie reassess and later talks to Erica at Joe's about why she's been avoiding her...
Callie: Okay, I've been avoiding you. But when she was here, Addison said that... well she implied that, that, that we... that I, that I was... that, um... you and I might be lesbians. (both laugh, then look away)

[Methinks I see some lesbian interaction in the near future! ::shifty eyes::]

Soon after, we see Callie in the cafeteria eating lunch when Mark arrives. She propositions him (for sex, what else?) and he turns her down (shocker!) on the basis that he's "turned over a new leaf." That's when Erica joins them...
Erica: (arriving at table) Shove over Sloan. Torres and I are gonna share a sapphic salad.
Mark: Did I miss something?
Callie: (jokingly) Yeah, we're lovers. Didn't you know?

Erica: It's a love that dare not speak its name
Callie: Uh huh. Look me in the eye and tell me you're not thinking of a threesome.
Mark: I'm not. The old Mark would, but that's no more.
Callie: Really? You're not thinking of her and me and you... and a video camera?
(as Erica places her head on Callie's shoulder)

[I like where this is going!]

Then we see Callie and Erica on the elevator at the end of the day when Mark arrives and boards.
Mark: Ladies.
Callie: (to Erica) He's thinking about a threesome.
Mark: I am not.
Callie: You are. He has been. All day.
Mark: Okay, fine. I got a new leaf, not a lobotomy.
Erica: You couldn't handle the two of us.
Mark: Oh, but I could. I won't, but I could.
Erica: You wouldn't find it... intimidating?
Mark: Not at all.

So, what does Erica do? She plants one on Callie!

Supposedly only to prove a point, but still! It's a lesbian kiss on primetime TV! The horror! (I'm being facetious, btw) Maybe we have grown : )

Anyway, Callie once again needs to prove her heterosexuality and goes on a sexual marathon with Mark, who teases her mercilessly with his dirty talk about Erica... After a dramatic trauma (i.e. "really big trauma"), Mark once again shows his human side and tells Callie to finish what she started with Erica. Callie starts by telling Erica she has something she want to say, but finishes by kissing her passionately in front of Seattle Grace Hospital.

(Is it just me, or are Erica's hands super sexy?)

And let the lesbian relationship begin!! YES!


Or not... In the Season 5 premier, we see that Callie and Erica are avoiding each other... dammit! They meet on the bridge thingy (what is that thing, anyway?)... Erica "answers" a fake page and Callie hides behind her newspaper... both then walk the other way. ::sigh::

BUT... all eventually falls into place as, after Callie struggles with a patient and Erica encourages her and helps her through it, Callie finally approaches Erica and they both agree to be scared about what's happening...
Callie: This kind of makes us virgins, doesn't it?
Erica: I guess in a way it does.
Callie: Virgins. Hey, we can be scared together.
Erica: Kind of virgins. And yeah, we can be scared together.

Awe! Yay! : )

So, Callie and Erica begin a relationship... Erica starts by asking Callie on a "date date." Callie agrees, but is a little scared.. Okay, a lot scared. So much so that she turns to Bailey in a moment of panic. This scene was also a classic. The look on Bailey's face is almost as good as that on Addison's face before...
Callie: I'm going on a date with Erica Hahn. And, uh, that's awkward because, uh, she's a colleague and she's an attending and she's a she. Uh, there's been kissing, but uh, no touching. And what if I'm not into it? What if-what if I'm horrible at all that... stuff... south... of the boarder? 'Cause I've never been south of the boarder. With a female. I mean, I've never even been over the uh, northern mountains, you know what I'm saying?

And that is the look we get from the amazing Bailey. Like I said, classic! Later, we see Callie in a scrub room and in comes Bailey...
Bailey: I don't talk about sex.
Callie: Please, let's just pretend that I didn't say a single word.
Bailey: I don't talk about sex with anyone, ever. Not any kind of sex.
CallieBailey, I am begging you-
Bailey: Zzz! ... (pauses) The va-jay-jay, is undiscovered country. It is the motherland, you've never traveled there, you don't know it's customs and ways. Now me, I've always wanted to go to Africa, uh but if I go, I'm gonna have to learn a few things first. I'm going to have prepare. I'll need shots, um... bring my own syringes in case something goes wrong, and I'll wanna know how to get to the embassy. Just-
Callie: Okay, okay, now you've lost me.
Bailey: Just talk about it. Not with me. With the other one. Talk about the rules, the expectations, figure out how to gracefully dimer if you find that you don't the... local cuisine. In Ethiopia they eat stew off of spongy sour bread. That's not for everyone.

Oh, Bailey, how you never fail to make me laugh. : )

And then comes the date. Callie looks gorgeous, as usual, and Erica is freaking hot as well. After a brief moment of awkwardness, Callie and Erica share a laugh and tease the audience with thoughts of "second base," but they agree to take things slow.

The next time we see these two lovely ladies together, it's apparent some time has passed. Not sure exactly how long, but they walk into Callie's apartment wearing different clothes from their first date. We can only assume it's been a while. The next thing you know, the two are locked in a passionate embrace and fall to the couch. It can only be assumed (for now) that they have sex. : )

Then, Callie has a conversation with Mark and we find out that Callie and Erica did in fact have sex... sort of. [What does that even mean, Callie?] Apparently, Callie had trouble going "down there" and "choked." She didn't think it was good, but Erica sure did and asked Callie if she wanted to get some coffee. Callie then admitted to Erica that she wasn't cut out for "sex with a girl" and Erica left the room upset, understandably. Callie feels awful and turns to Mark for help. She asks him to "show" her how to please a woman... "down there." Whoa! Needless to say, he does and Callie decides to try again with Erica.
Callie: Take off your pants.
Erica?Excuse me?
Callie: Take off your pants. We're trying this again. (takes off her shirt)

Hmmm... Callie/Sara minus the shirt is SEXY! ;-) And I love the look on Erica's face. She's surprised, but looks so relieved and... excited! Yay!

Then we see Callie and Erica in bed together, sadly clothed. (That's probably for the homophobic crowd. Damn.) Apparently, this time, the sex was "amazing!" Yay! : ) Then, Erica has a revelation. A HUGE revelation: She's "so gay!" After a long speech about glasses and seeing leaves, she states that she's gay. Callie is scared. She still hasn't had any big revelations and she runs, leaving behind a crying Erica.
Erica: My whole life, my whole adult life, I have been with men. And it always felt you know, fine, good, but I never... I mean, I did, but not- not like this. This is like needing glasses.
Callie: Um, I blinded you?
Erica: No. When I was a kid, I would get these headaches and I went to the doctor and they said that I needed glasses. I didn't understand that, it didn't make sense to me because I could see fine. And then I get the glasses and I put them on and I'm in the car on the way home and suddenly I yell because the green big blobs I've been staring at my whole life... They weren't green big blobs, they were leaves on trees. I could see the leaves, and I didn't even know that I was missing the leaves, I didn't even know that leaves existed and them... leaves! You are glasses. I am so gay, so, so gay. I am extremely gay.
Callie: ... Um, I have to go.

Callie goes to Mark once again to reassess her sexuality... by having sex with him. Twice. She admits to Mark that she thought there should be a difference. Then Mark says that the difference between him and Erica is that he knows that Callie had sex with her, but Erica is in the dark. He then labels her a cheater (not in a harsh way) and implicitly encourages her to come clean. Callie finds Erica and tells her that she slept with Mark.
Callie: Erica...
you wanna apologize to anyone, apologize to Bailey, thanks to you I made her life a living hell today.
Callie: I slept with Mark Sloan.
Erica: If that's your idea of an apology, you seriously need to-
Callie: Shut up! You were crying, and seeing leaves, and I wasn't, okay? I-I may never see leaves... or maybe I will see leaves, but I will also see flowers. I might be a whole forest girl, I don't know yet. But I do know that I wanna be with you and... to do that I have to at least tell you the truth, and the truth is that... I slept with Mark Sloan today.
Erica: Okay.
Callie: Twice, actually.
Erica: (pauses) Okay.

And all is well in Callica Land. : )

For a while, anyway.

What occurs next is highly disappointing. Erica discovers that Izzie is the one who compromised her patient by essentially stealing his heart (see season 2 for details). After getting into it with the Chief, she tells Callie that she's taking it to UNOS. Callie defends the Chief and tells Erica that the Chief delt with it and that she should leave it alone. Erica disagrees and, in an upsetting twist, tells Callie that she doesn't know her at all and walks away, never to return.
Callie: Look, I don't know what happened between Denny Duquette and Izzie Stevens that night, but unless you were in the middle of that situation, I don't see how you can make a judgment.
Erica: Easy. There's right, and there's wrong. And this, was wrong. And illegal. There is no gray area here. You can't kind of think this is okay. You can't kind of side with Izzie Stevens. And you can't be kind of a lesbian.
Callie: Yes, I can.
Erica: I can't believe I didn't know this.
Callie: Erica, the Chief-
Erica: No, you. I don't know you... at all. (Erica walks away...)

Callie is devestated, though she tries to hide it. She misses Erica and Mark knows it. After a difficult and unsuccessful surgery where Callie built a man's bones, Callie breaks down, seemingly from the death of the patient, but actually from losing her best friend and lover. Mark comforts her.

It takes a while for Callie to move on and in the process, she has a few mishaps... Including being accidentally punched in the nose by a patient suffering night terrors... Mark comes to the rescue again and fixes her broken nose.
Callie: Ow, ow, ow, ow!
Mark: Come on, that didn't hurt.
Callie: Yeah, well, maybe if I was have a better year, it would just feel like a little pinch. But it hurts, Mark. It hurts a lot!
You know, I was gonna use local, but I think we'll do conscience sedation. This way when you wake up, your nose will be fixed and it will be a whole new day.
Callie: Okay, well, I'll still have you, right? You'll still be my friend. And have sex with me when I want?
Anytime. Yeah. ... Once your face heals.
Callie: I hate you.
Mark: You love me.

Callie finally comes to terms with her sexuality and finds herself lusting after the sexy new intern, Sadie.

Mark, meanwhile, is lusting after an intern himself, Lexie. Together, Callie and Mark make a pact to avoid the hot interns with their own "one-step program."
Callie: We're like addicts, right? We need a 12 step program!
: I'm not going to a meeting to discuss my obsession with my best friend's girlfriend's half sister.
: No, no, no. It'll just be us. We'll be each others' sponsors. Make sure that we stay on the program.
Mark: What are the steps?
Callie: Don't get naked with an intern... It's more of a one-step program.
Mark: Maybe I should write this down.

One night at Joe's, Mark gives in and, much to the dismay of Callie, goes after Lexie, leaving Callie to fend for herself.
Callie: Dammit. Dammit, dammit, dammit! (swallows shot of liquor)
Joe: Need another drink?
Callie: Yes!

But Sadie is soon found out by George and the Chief as a fruad and quits. (I didn't really like her anyway...) Now, Callie is just alone and Mark is with Lexie.

One night at Joe's, Lexie comes over to Callie, who is sitting at the bar, and asks if she thinks Mark will tell Derek that they're together. Callie is distracted and seems upset, but when Lexie asks if she's alright, she says she's fine and goes to the ladies' room.

Enter Arizona Robbins (Jessica Capshaw). We were introduced to the bubbly Peds surgeon a few episodes ago. Perky and upbeat, she's the complete oposite of Callie, but oh so adorable.

Callie is in the restroom at Joe's when Arizona walks in and sees that Callie has been crying and conversation follows.
Arizona: People talk. Where we work. They talk. A lot. So, for the sake of being honest, I think I should tell you that... I know things about you, because people talk.
Callie: Oh, you mean...
(Arizona nods) Terrific.
Arizona: It is, actually, the talk. People really like you over there. They respect you, and they're concerned, and they're interested. They really like you. Some of them really like you. You- You just look upset, and I thought that you should know that the talk is good, and when you're not upset, when you're over being upset, there will be people lining up for you.
Callie: You wanna give me some names?

And out of nowhere, Arizona kisses Callie! :-0
Arizona: I think you'll know.

Now Callie's love life is looking up! That is until she asks Arizona on a date and lets it slip that she's only been with only one woman and Arizona turns her down.
Callie: Do you... wanna go on a date with me?
Arizona: Wait, uh, Erica and you... She was your first?
Callie: Yeah.
Arizona: Oh. Okay, so then I guess, my answer is no. I'm sorry. (turns to walk away)
Callie: (grabs Arizona's arm) Wait, wait. What? Uh... um... You kissed me... out of nowhere... in a bathroom..
Arizona: Okay, see, this is what I try to avoid. You're all... exploring and experimenting, and... yay! This is a really exciting time for you. But I work in Peds. I spend my entire day around newborns, so I try not to in my personal life. Thanks for asking, though. I'm super flattered. Super.

Poor Callie. She looks so dejected. That night after her shift, Callie sees Arizona at Joe's and decides to try and convince her that she's no newborn. Unfortunately, it's in front of Arizona's date, Julie...

Needless to say, Callie's a bit embarrassed and just walks away.

She avoids Arizona around the hospital, hiding behind Mark when Arizona rounds the corner. Later, Arizona boards an elevator that Callie is on, much to the dismay of Callie.
Arizona: So, I've had quite a day. I got my ass handed to me by Alex Karev, a second year resident. Which is humbling, for a surgeon, especially a know-it-all, type-a-
Callie: We don't have to do this. We don't have to be friends, it's a big hospital with lots of floors, lots of places to hide. And I'm perfectly okay with doing that for the next few years.
Arizona: You're not hearing me, Calliope. Sometimes, I panic, in the moment, and I call it wrong. I misjudge a situation. So, if you're up for it, I'd like to take you to dinner.
Callie: Maybe. (gets off the elevator)
Arizona: Maybe?
Callie: Yeah. My schedule's kinda insane right now, so I'll get back to you. (walks away, the elevator doors begin to close, she walks back over and before the doors close, she puts her arm between them to stop them) How's, uh, tomorrow?
(Arizona laughs, Callie smiles)

(YAY!) Okay, so Callie and Arizona are starting to date. We don't see much of the beginning of their relationship. The next time they are together that we see, they are in Callie and Cristina's apartment dancing to Gomez's "Little Pieces" (great song, you should listen to it) in a extremely adorable scene.

Things are really beginning to look up for Callie as she and Arizona grow closer... and steal kisses in stairways. : )

Awe. Too cute! : ) (I'm a sap for silly romantic crap... go figure...)

And cue Papa Torres, aka Callie's dad. Callie's father is only in Seattle for one day, so Callie isn't planning to introduce him to Arizona just yet, but an interesting chain of events, that changes and Callie introduces Arizona as the person she's dating.
Papa Torres: So, you're dating again. Well, that's good. That's healthy. I'd like to meet this new gentleman suitor.
Callie: Yeah. Yeah, no, um, sh... Th-They're pretty busy 'cause they're a doctor here. But, um, you'll love them. You will love them. Because, they're smart, and funny, and both handsome and beautiful and very supportive... Daddy, please be okay with this. (brings Arizona over) Dad, this is Arizona Robbins... This is who I'm dating now.
Arizona: (sticks out hand) And, I really hope you draw the line at throwing women against walls.

Of course, Callie's dad has an issue with Callie dating a woman and gives her an ultimatum: Either she goes home with him and transfers to a hospital in Miami (where she's originally from) or he will disinherit and disown her. Callie cannot deny who she is so she chooses to stay. After a big argument with her dad (where Callie rants in Spanish, super sexy), her dad leaves in a huff and disowns her. Callie is understandably upset and Arizona comforts her.

Callie briefly considers lying to her family after they give her the silent treatment by telling them that she broke up with Arizona and everything was just a moment of insanity, but decides against it. She can't deny who she is (yay!). Her family is pretty wealthy and has been supporting her throughout her college/med school/residency, so when Papa Torres empties her bank account, Callie faces monetary problems, which leads to issues with Arizona. When Cristina finds Callie sleeping in the hospital, a funny scene ensues.
Cristina: (approached a sleeping Callie) You slept here?!
Callie: (awakens suddenly) I'm awake... What?
Cristina: You slept here? I slept here!
Callie: Um, how? Wait... who? What?
Cristina: I slept in the on call room.
Callie: Oh.
Cristina: I could have been at home in my own bed.
Callie: Sorry
Cristina: Now I have to work all day, and then I have to be happy maid of honor and get Meredith down the aisle. I'm so tired... cause I slept here! 'Cause you wanted to get your freak on with roller skate girl.
Callie: I am sorry. I was gonna, but, we went to dinner and, things didn't... I wasn't in the mood. I had to be here early anyway, to run the ER, so...

Later on, Callie is running the ER when multiple traumas roll in. It's a very busy shift with a lot of activity, but Arizona keeps trying to talk to Callie and figure out what went wrong the night before. Callie plays it off like she was just tired, but Arizona doesn't buy it and asks if what they have is over. Callie replies that maybe it is.
Arizona: Maybe this was just a fling that's run it's course. Okay, maybe it's over.
Callie: Maybe it is.
(Arizona walks away upset)

Arizona looks so hurt and dejected by that thought and walks away, only to return after a long and hellish day for Callie. Callie is laying on a spare hospital bed in the hallway, a towel over her face when Arizona, in her adorable pink scrub cap, walks up and demands to know what's going on. Callie, frustrated, points out that she's now broke and can't afford the fancy restaurants like the one they went to the previous night. After hearing Callie's tearful confession, Arizona tells Callie that she has no problem staying in and eating sandwiches, to which Callie points out that Arizona doesn't even like sandwiches. Arizona then states that she likes the girl who has the sandwiches.
Arizona: I just want you to know that I am hurt. I am hurt, and I am angry. Because, I thought that we had something. I thought that we were going somewhere. And, if you're just sleeping around. If you're just making the rounds on girl surgeons, then I think you oughta know that I-
Callie: (sits up) We went to a fancy restaurant.
Arizona: What?
Callie: We went to a fancy restaurant, the nicest in Seattle. The salad that I ordered, the salad, cost $26.95. The wine that you ordered cost $125 a bottle. I didn't even look at the entrees because I knew I wasn't gonna be able to order one. Because, I was already out 75 bucks, and I don't even like salad.
Arizona: Oh.
Callie: And, then the bill came and you...
Arizona: I... I paid.
Callie: Do you know what I was doing before they brought over the check? I was counting in my head, trying to figure out how I was going to buy food for the rest of the week if my half was 75 bucks, because I don't have 75 bucks, because my father disowned me and has cleared out my bank account.
Arizona: Callie...
Arizona: I am broke, and I am exhausted, Arizona. I'm working in the ER because I need the money.
Six people died on my watch today and I am fried. I wanted to stay in last night. I thought... I thought that last night would be the night for us. You know, our night. But you wanted to go to a fancy restaurant, I can't do that. I can't.
Arizona: It's okay. It's okay. Hey, so, we'll stay in, and we'll eat sandwiches.
Callie: You don't even like sandwiches.
Arizona: But, I like the girl who has the sandwiches. ... Okay?
Callie: Okay... No, you know what... I don't like sandwiches either. I like pizza.
Arizona: I like pizza, too.

Later at Izzie and Alex's wedding, it's apparent that the couple is once again stong and that they really care for each other. The looks between them and the adorable kiss on the cheek that Callie gives Arizona reinforces the fact.

After the wedding, Callie and Arizona share a pizza... in bed... naked and covered by only a sheet. : )

Callie is upset when she learns that George joins the army to be a trauma surgeon and is angry at Arizona when Arizona states that she thinks it's "awesome" that George is going to serve his country. Arizona confronts Callie and lets her know that she's grateful for men like George because her brother died in Iraq because there weren't doctors.
Arizona: Maybe I don't understand people. I don't see things, so maybe I just don't get what's going on with you or why you're so mad, but I do think it's awesome. I think that George joining the army is awesome.
Callie: Um, shut up!
Arizona : Um, no. You asked me who I was. I am a person who thinks that what George is doing is dangerous and terrifying and brave. He's going to serve his country. He's going to risk his life to save the men and women who make it possible for you and I to sleep safely in our beds! I am a person who thinks that is brave. And I am a person who stood in an airplane hangar and watched them unload my brother's body in a coffin… and all we got was a flag. My brother died over there because there weren't enough doctors, Callie, so for my money, George O'Malley is a patriot. He's hero, and I am grateful that he exists, so yeah. The word I use is "awesome". That's who I am. (starts to leave the room)
Callie: (grabs Arizona's hand) I'm sorry.

At the end of the season 5 finale, we find out that the "hit by a bus guy" John Doe is George. The episode ends with George coding.