Saturday, January 23, 2010

6x12 Review : "Take Off my Gauze Paws"

Alright, so this week's episode of Grey's Anatomy did not disappoint!

It begins with the amazing Dr. Bailey in the OR performing a breakthrough procedure on a patient with a large audience in the gallery, Callie and Arizona included. A few minutes into the procedure, Callie says that she has a headache and needs coffee. Arizona, the little minx, leans forward from her seat behind Callie and, in an extremely sexy voice, propositions Callie, receiving an annoyed/amused look from Cristina.

Callie: Okay, she saw me. Now I can go.
Cristina: She's just getting started.
Callie: Yeah, I have a headache. I need coffee.
Arizona: (leans down to whisper in Callie's ear) I have a cure for a headache that doesn't involve coffee.

Whoa! Where the heck has this Arizona been?! Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I rather like the take-charge Arizona we've seen in the last two episodes. (flash back to "Blink" where Arizona had Callie pinned to the shower wall...)

Okay, back the this episode...

We next see Callie and Arizona in an on-call room... and they aren't playing scrabble! Once again, we see Arizona's ridiculously sexy dominating side come to life as she pushes Callie against the wall and kisses her senseless, complete with ass-grabbing! : )

(Be still, my heart...)

But in the middle of their massively hot make-out session, Arizona make a discovery that thwarts their sexy plans...
Arizona: You're hot.
Callie: You're hot, too. (continues kissing Arizona)
Arizona: (feels Callie's forehead) No, you're hot.
Callie: Oh, okay, thanks. (continues kissing Arizona)
Arizona: (pulls back) No, no, no. You have a fever. You-You have-You have a fever. What is that? (moves Callie's scrub top aside)
Callie: What?
Arizona: Oh, my God.
Callie: What?
Arizona: Pox! Pox! You have Chicken Pox!

And that's the end of the make out session... Le sigh...
But I love Callie's facial expression when she realizes that Arizona is right...

So, poor Callie has the Chicken Pox. : ( She's admitted to the hospital, which I guess is for safety precaution? Anyway, we learn that Arizona has never had them and thus, must stay away (awe...).

Callie: (as Arizona and Lexie enter Callie's room) Wha-? Oh, Little Grey? That's the world class specialist you wanted me to see?
Arizona: Okay, Little Grey has had the Chicken Pox vaccine. (to Lexie) I snooped through your personnel file. (to Callie) I, on the other hand, have not. Nor did I ever have them as a child.
Callie: You're a pediatrician, how have you never had the-
Arizona: No, I am a pediatric surgeon. I don't do little diseases on little people, I do big surgeries on... little people.
Callie: Oh, you know what? This is ridiculous. (gets up and starts to leave the room) I'm going home.
Arizona: No, no, no! (backs away) Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! You're not going anywhere. You're highly contagious right now. You leave this room and you're going to touch doorknobs and elevator buttons and then you'll be the... outbreak monkey.
Callie: (scratching behind her neck) I'm...going to kill you.
Arizona: I love you. Stop scratching 'cause you're just going to make it worse and then you're going to scar.

Poor Callie. Having the Chicken Pox as a child is bad enough... Having them as an adult is torture! (I know this for a fact... I didn't get the pox until I was 19 and it was pure torture...) And you know what they say about doctors... they make the worst patients... And I also feel bad for Lexie. She has to try and distracted a cranky, itchy, "I'm going insane" Callie.
Lexie: (enters Callie's room) Arizona thought work might take your mind off the itching.
Callie: Scratching will take my mind off the itching... Take off my gauze paws.
Lexie: She said that you'd say that and that I should say no. So, how about we start with the tibial plateau fracture, room 2240?
Callie: Hey. Hey! I'm an attending, you're a resident. As your superior I am ordering you to take them off!

Ah, Lexie, don't you know better than to get between a woman and her pox rash?

Callie finally gets some sleep and the first thing she sees when she opens her eyes... MARK! That's right, bad boy Mark is back and he helps Callie relieve some of the itching by rubbing her down. (Okay, this part I wasn't thrilled about. It was too... sexy? But I was appeased by later scenes, so I'll let it slide this time...)

Good 'ole Mark coming to the rescue. He's still rubbing her down when Arizona comes to check on her. (don don DON!) But Lexie is there too and they have a conversation outside the room where Arizona reveals a secret...

Arizona: (walks up behind Lexie and sighs) That should be me.
Lexie: Don't be jealous. They're just friends. Best friends.
Arizona: I had the Chicken Pox. I told her I hadn't because... I... I find her miraculous. Breathtakingly stunning. I just... I can't stop looking at her. And I was afraid that with the ooze and the fever and the scratching that... I wanted to stay in the sexy part of things, so I lied to my girlfriend. And now... He makes scratching look sexy.
Lexie: He makes everything look sexy.

We see a new side of Arizona... I didn't even think she was capable of lying. But I get it. I don't necessarily agree, but I get it. But no one can be perfect all the time. But she makes up for it later when she decides that Callie's comfort is more important than her own by snuggling up to Callie in her hospital bed.
Arizona: (walks into Callie's room and kisses her cheek)
Callie: What are you doing? You'll get the Chicken Pox.
Arizona: (climbs onto the bed behind Callie) So, I get the Chicken Pox.

Although I wish that Arizona had come completely clean with Callie, I'm glad that she finally went to cuddle with Callie and comfort her.


-Of course I'm going to say the girl-on-girl action between Callie and Arizona. And the super cute cuddling in the end. Who wouldn't? : ) Thank you Shonda/Grey's Writers/ABC! It's MUCH appreciated!!!

-Alex telling Izzie to leave. Enough said.

-POST-IT! : )

-Lexie and Arizona's heart-to-heart (even though Lexie didn't say much... lol)


-The Owen/Cristina/Teddy triangle... It's already getting old... and Cristina's "I choose my gift [of surgery] over Owen" speech

-Derek's "Ill hire Izzie back if you let me tell on the chief" spiel.

-Mark's treatment of Lexie. You slept with someone else, too, Mark!


-"I have a cure for a headache that doesn't involve coffee." (Arizona)

-"McDreamy is being a McAss!" (Meredith)

-"...and then you'll be the Outbreak Monkey!" (Arizona)

-"Take off my gauze paws." (Callie)

-"I have pox between my butt cheeks." (Callie)

-"He makes everything look sexy." (Lexie)

Well, that's it for now, Calzona fans! Unfortunately, we have to wait until Feb. 4 for a new episode... but I've heard it's supposed to be a good one! ::crosses fingers::

Much Love,
Callie Lawrance