Thursday, January 14, 2010

So far in Season 6...

The premiere of season 6 is a shocker... George dies and everyone is devastated, Callie included. George's mom asks Callie to decide whether George's organs should be donated and Callie turns to Izzie to help her decide. Izzie says that George would give everything.

Time passes and Callie goes into Chief Webber's office to inquire about her application for attending. Chief Webber states that the job is no longer available and Callie is highly upset and tells Chief Webber off...
Callie: I'm a superstar! A superstar with a scalpel!
: Torres...
Callie: (turns around to face the Chief) No! Don't say my name. Do not. I am too big a star for you to say my name. I build arms out of nothing! And legs like God! And when I win the Harper Avery and every other prize there is, you will rue this day, Chief Webber. (turns and walks away, then turns back) That's right. I said rue!

We then see Callie get on an elevator next to Bailey and break down crying...

Callie is now out of the job and the full effect of what has just happened finally hits her. Mark goes to her apartment to comfort her and Callie breaks down crying again in his arms.
Mark: (knocks on Callie's apartment door) Open up! Open the door, Torres. (knocks again) Open the door. I'll keep knocking and potentially damage my million dollar hands.
: (comes out of the apartment, crying) My ex-husband died He died. He actually got hit by a bus. George got hit by a bus. And now... now I have to get a new job and I'm never gonna see my friends anymore and Arizona keeps bringing me doughnuts...

Callie acquires a job as an attending surgeon at Mercy-West Hospital and Mark moves into the apartment across from her, much to the surprise of Lexie. As Mark and Lexie are moving Mark's things into his apartment, Callie comes out of her apartment and proceeds to ask Mark his opinion on her "first day at Mercy-West" outfit. Then, she changes in the hallway in front of a startled Lexie.
Callie: (comes out of her apartment, holding two dresses) Okay, okay. Which one? It's my first day at Mercy-West and I wanna look nice. You know, serious, talented, hardcore, not someone you can push around. Nice, but hot... like me.
That one.
Callie: Really? I thought this one.
: Mm-mmm. Too hot. Better for a date. That one.
Callie: Okay. (throws the dresses she's holding at Lexie, who looks uncomfortable) Here, take-- (she takes off the dress she's wearing, throws it at Lexie to hold, and changes into the other one while Mark is there) Okay. Less hot?
: Less hot.
: Okay, okay, good. Wish me luck, or not luck since I'm all talented and hardcore.
: You're an attending, Torres. Go kick some ass. (walks back into her apartment)
: So um... did you forget to mention that your hot, hardcore, ex-sex friend lives right across the hall?
: Did I?
: Yeah! Yeah, you did

Ah, but Callie gets a small revenge on the Chief when he's in a minor car accident and has an ankle injury. He's taken to Mercy-West where, you guessed it, Callie is the on-call attending and attends to him.

Meanwhile at Seattle-Grace, Arizona is fighting her own war with the Chief. She needs a very specific, very expensive scan on a teenaged boy, but the Chief denies her request over and over again. Knowing this is what this kid needs, she sends him to Mercy-West and his mother implores Callie to do the scan. Back in Callie's apartment, Arizona is waiting for Callie to get home (she has a key to Callie's apartment? SCORE!). When Callie gets home, she's mad at Arizona for manipulating her, but she did the scan anyway. Unfortunately, the scan didn't show anything and Arizona is upset. Callie helps her to fugure out what's wrong with the kid. Eventually, Arizona discovers that he has a tethered spinal cord and works with Derek to repair it.

Due to the tough financial times, it is announced that Seattle-Grace will be merging with Mercy-West... not a good thing for Callie since Chief Webber will be the head of the new Seattle Grace-Mercy West Hospital.

Arizona is so adorable when she pretty much demands (in a non-threatening way) that Callie go to the Chief and "beg" for her job back.
Arizona: I hate, hate, hate this merger because I hate long distance relationships. I don't believe in them. So, you can't move to Portland.
: Well, when you mentioned it this afternoon you didn't seem to mind. You were like, "move to Portland."
Arizona: I didn't know that I was allowed to mind. I didn't know if we were girlfriends. But, then you said girlfriend. You called me your girlfriend. So, I need to know. Am I your girlfriend?
Callie: (smiling) Yeah.
: Okay. (smiles) Good. So, yeah, no, you're not moving to Portland. No, but what you are gonna do is you're gonna go into the Chief's office and you're gonna beg for-
: I'm not gonna grovel.
: Ah, yes you are. Seriously. You don't wanna mess with me.

(Callie's absolutely gorgeous in this scene when she smiles, don't you think?)

Callie eventually goes to the Chief to ask for her job back, but sees that he's having a rough time of it, so she starts to leave. The Chief, however, stops her and offers her a position as an attending surgeon. : )

Callie's first day back at Seattle Grace-Mercy West is full of drama when Papa Torres returns! And this time, he's brought company: a priest! Callie, in perhaps one of the most dramatic and you-go-girl scenes to date, lets her father know what she thinks of that...
Callie: Jesus is my savior, Daddy, not you! And Jesus would be ashamed of you for judging me. He would be ashamed of me for turning your back on me. He would be ashamed. (walks out crying)

Arizona finds Callie crying and comforts her.
Arizona: (walks into room and sees Callie crying) Didn't go well, huh?
Callie: Well, at least now I can move on with my life, stop entertaining thoughts of actually getting back together with my family.
(sits next to Callie)
Callie: I don't need a father. I don't. Not one who won't accept me. (continues to cry)
(continues to comfort Callie)

Arizona finds Papa Torres in the waiting room and goes over to him. He tries to avoid her, but Arizona rises to the occasion and tells him about her name and coming out to her father. Then she tells him that she loves Callie and that she protects the things that she loves. This is the first time that love is mentioned in Callie and Arizona's relationship.
Arizona: Most people think that I was named for the state, but it's not true. I was named for a battleship-- the "U.S.S. Arizona". My grandfather was serving on the Arizona when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, and he saved 19 men before he drowned. Pretty much everything my father did his whole life was about honoring that sacrifice. I was raised to be a good man in a storm, raised to love my country, love my family and protect the things I love. When my father, Colonel Daniel Robbins of the United States Marine Corps, heard that I was a lesbian, he said he only had one question. I was prepared for "how fast can you get the hell out of my house?" But instead, it was, "Are you still who I raised you to be?" My father believes in country the way that you believe in God. And my father is not a man who bends, but he bent for me because I'm his daughter. I'm a good man in a storm. I love your daughter, and I protect the things I love. Not that I need to. She doesn't need it. She's strong and caring... And honorable. (voice breaks) And she's who you raised her to be. (walks away)

As Callie is leaving the hospital that evening, Papa Torres is waiting for her. Callie doesn't want to fight and tries to avoid him, but he stops her and, in magic TV Land, finally accepts that she's gay. (Only on TV does a parent do a 360 in one day...) But, Callie and her father are finally reunited.

Episode 8 of Season 6 is full of Callie and Arizona. : ) It begins with Callie and Arizona asleep in Callie's bed when a pager goes off. Arizona is startled awake and goes to the dresser, hoping that it's not her pager that's going off. It turns out to be Callie's pager and Arizona sighs in relief, then returns to the bed to gently wake her girlfriend... or not... Instead, Arizona unceremoniously pushes Callie out of the bed, telling her "they're paging you." Callie groans and goes to the dresser just as karma for pushing her girlfriend out of bed kicks in and another pager sounds. Arizona, in her oh-so-adorable way, pulls the pillow over her head and states "I'm sleeping!" Callie chuckles that sexy deep chuckle and brings Arizona her pager.

Later at the hospital, Arizona finds out that the parents of one of her patients, Wallace, is donating 25 million dollars to the hospital. It's also revealed that Wallace and Arizona share a birthday, which is that Friday. At Callie's apartment, Callie, Arizona, Mark, Lexie, Owen and Cristina are discussing the generous donation when Lexie lets it slip that Friday is Arizona's birthday. Callie is surprised and asks Arizona how Little Grey (Lexie) knows that Friday is her birthday and she doesn't. Arizona replies that birthdays are no big deal to her and that she doesn't celebrate them and makes it clear that she doesn't want anything special. Then she quickly leaves for the hospital. Callie is suspicious and asks their friends if she should do something. Lexie, in her typical upbeat manner, suggests a surprise party, which Mark opposes.

Back at the hospital, Wallace is not doing well and needs another surgery, which he is not strong enough for, in Arizona's professional opinion. Wallace's parents insist on the surgery anyway. Wallace makes it through the surgery, but later has complications and dies. Arizona returns to Callie's apartment to what could possibly be the worst-timed surprise party ever. Arizona breaks down in tears and runs out of the apartment. Callie follows her and Arizona tells her that Wallace died and she can't stay.

Arizona returns to the hospital and talks to Wallace's parents, asking if they want to see Wallace. Wallace's father informs the Chief and a representitve from the hospital borad that it's because of Arizona that they will still be donating the 25 million dollars.

Arizona returns to Callie's apartment later that night to find a sleeping Callie on the couch.Arizona: (walks into Callie's apartment and finds Callie asleep on the couch) Callie: (wakes up when Arizona places keys on table) Oh! I'm awake. I'm.. I uh, I'm totally awake. I'm... there's hats and gifts and, uh, donuts and... lingerie. (blows on party horn, but no sound comes out) Really?! (laughs)
I love you.
Callie: (pauses) You do?
(smiles and nods) I do.
I love you, too.

Awe! It's love!! : )

Episode 8 of season 6 has a scene that, every time I watch it, it never fails to make my laugh hysterically. Adele (Chief Webber's wife) comes to the hospital and asks Bailey if she's having an affair with the Chief, while Callie and Mark are standing right there. Callie's reaction is priceless.
Adele: What I want is for you to tell me the truth. Are you having an affair with my husband?
Bailey: (looks astonished) I am not having an affair with your husband!
Adele: I saw the way you handled him just now.
Bailey: Hand- I did not handle him... There was no handling. We work together!
Adele: You spend every waking moment together. You finish each other sentences, you read each others' minds. You're more married to that man than I am.
Callie: Yeah, but that's just because they're husband and work wife.
Bailey: (looks incredously at Callie) Excuse me?
Callie: The Chief's your work husband and you're his work wife. You look out for each other, you take care of each other. There's nothing wrong with it. It's like me and Sloan.
Mark: Excuse me?
Callie: Nobody's talking to you. He's my work husband, but he has a girlfriend and I have a girlfriend, but there's noting going on between us.
Mark: Well, there was at one point.
Callie: You're not helping.

And that pretty much wraps up the Callie story so far in Season 6... Can't wait until 9:00pm EST tonight when Grey's Anatomy returns in a 2-hour crossover event with Private Practice!!!