Sunday, January 17, 2010

Who am I? I'm Callie Lawrance and I'm AWESOME because I'm so much like Callie Torres! : )

Okay, so I got a few questions from followers about me... more specifically, my name and seemingly life-parallels to Callie Torres' life...

Yes, my name is really Callie, short for Calista. But I hate "Calista" and go by Callie. See, this is why I think I love Callie Torres so freaking much... it's crazy-ridiculous how much my life parallels hers! (Yes, I realize that Callie Torres is a fictional character, but the similarities are still mind-blowing...) Here are ten examples:

001. The name.

My birth-name is Calista, but I've gone by "Callie" since grade school. Callie Torres' birth-name is Calliope, but she also goes by "Callie." We both hate when people call us by our birth-names, except when our parents or significant others do it. (Although, the only reason my gf calls me "Calista" is because Arizona calles Callie Torres "Calliope." Yes, we're both kind of insane... and addicted to Grey's Anatomy. lol)

002. I'm Pre-Med

I am a Junior at the University of Georgia and I'm pre-med. And before you ask, no, I did not choose Pre-med because of Callie Torres... I've always wanted to go into medicine. Although, I'm also a mathematics major and am leaning more towards going into a math-related field...

003. If I do go into medicine, it'll probably be orthopedics.

Alright, so I can't say that this has nothing to do with the awesomeness that is Callie Torres. While I've always been interested in medicine, I never really had a specialty in mind... That is, until I started watching GA and fell in love with Callie Torres. After researching (A LOT) about ortho, I've decided that if I do go into medicine, I want to do ortho. It's so hardcore, like me. : )

Which brings me to number 4...

004. I am hardcore. Seriously. Oh, and a bit of a badass. : D

I have friends to attest to this fact.

005. I'm a lesbian. ;-)

I realize that Callie Torres hasn't officially dubbed herself as a lesbian, but whatever. Close enough.

006. My girlfriend's name is Dakota.

Dakota... Arizona... U.S. States... Blown away yet? Dakota and I have been together now for four years... and she's blonde... and she's perky (most of the time, that is).

007. My ex-girlfriend's name is "Erika"

She wasn't my first, though, and we're still pretty good friends... And she was the one that freaked out, but still... pretty freaky, huh?

008. I'm a Latina!

Okay, so I'm 1/4 Spanish (i.e. from Spain), 1/2 Irish and 1/4 Welsh, but I have Latin blood in me! I can't speak Spanish fluently, though (dammit!).

009. My bffl's name is "Maddison"

Which is basically "Addison" with an "M" in front of it.

010. I used to live in Miami, FL

Callie Torres was raised in Miami, FL. I was born in Hiram, GA, but moved to Miami when I was 4 and lived there for seven years before moving back to GA, where I currently live.

See? Isn't that
INSANE?! It would be insane even without the whole name thing... I think Shonda stole my life. lol. Just kidding!! (LOVE YOU, SHONDA!)

I don't really look like Callie Torres/Sara Ramirez, though (dammit!), so that's something to distinguish us, I guess... Of course, if I did look like Callie Torres/Sara Ramirez, I'd never be able to stop looking at myself in the mirror. LOL!

::thinks about Callie Torres' gorgeousness and drools a bit before getting back to business::

So, I do believe the reason I'm so addicted to Grey's Anatomy/Callie Torres/Calzona is by the parallels between Callie Torres and myself. When I first began watching last fall, I was in shock at this awesome character that was so much like me. I mean, seriously?! How freaking cool is that?! : )

Much Love,

Callie L. <3